EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 January
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 33 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-01].iso
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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!sun4nl!xs4all!quasar.xs4all.nl!pm_faq
Subject: Amiga Point Manager Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.datacomm,comp.answers,news.answers
Followup-To: poster
Distribution: world
Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions
(and answers) about Point Manager, a FidoNet-compatible
Scanner/Tosser/Reader/Editor for the Amiga.
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
From: pm_faq@quasar.xs4all.nl (Eric Krieger)
Message-ID: <pm_faq.1j4i@quasar.xs4all.nl>
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 95 21:33:00 +0200
Organization: Private, Delft [NL]
Lines: 979
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.sys.amiga.datacomm:36203 comp.answers:13377 news.answers:49599
Archive-name: amiga/point-manager-faq
Last-modified: 1995/7/29
Version: 1.11 (29.7.95) erkr
# Frequently Asked Questions about Point Manager V3.10 / V3.20 / V3.21 #
0. Intro
This document discusses some questions and topics that (can) occur
(repeatedly) on various echo-areas/newgroups or by netmail/e-mail to the
author of Point Manager (PM for short) or its Testers. They frequently
are submitted by new users, and can result in many follow-ups/replies,
sometimes swamping areas for weeks.
The purpose of this note is to head off these events by answering some
questions and warning about the inevitable consequence of asking others.
Note: When you are new to the Point and FidoNet concept, please try to
get an hold of the FidoNet.Man, written by the authors of TrapDoor,
TrapList, etc. This will explain what FidoNet is and also most of
the terms, used in the Documentation of PM, maybe you can find
answer(s) to your question(s) there.
This list is often referred to as FAQ -- the Frequently Asked Questions.
If you don't find an answer to your question(s) here, you can try asking
in the Support echo-area PM or AMY_POINT (both are available at FidoNet).
The author and most testers are reading those areas, so help is
(hopefully :) found easy.
This FAQ-list is put together by Stu Churchill (now former betatester)
and Eric Krieger, and is the result of questions/suggestions from PM
users (and testers? :).
1. Table of Contents
0. Intro
1. Table of Contents
2. General Questions
2.1. What is PM?
2.2. What is the latest version and where is it available?
2.3. Why doesn't PM V3.20 work?
2.4. Are there other Registration sites, besides Pino himself
(Italy) and Siggi Weisner (Germany)?
2.5. How do I use the Userlist from PM?
2.6. What is the 'Archive' function for in the message window?
2.7. How to use PM together with TrapDoor to transfer the Mail?
2.8. How can I use Cron to export messages before polling my Boss?
2.9. Is it possible to send money for registration of multiple users
with 1 EuroCheque?
2.10. If I have some ideas, suggestions or remarks related to PM, what
should I do?
2.11. When I still have some questions or problems, what can I do?
Addresses of the author/testers.
2.12. Future of PM (and about the *NEW* Mail Manager!).
3. Configuration Questions
3.1. How to Setup PM for 2 or more Networks and/or Addresses?
How to Setup 2 or more NetMail Areas with 1 Configuration file?
3.2. How to get rid of "Incorrect #ADDRESS parameters" Error(s)?
3.3. Is it possible to Setup different (default) Origins for each
3.4. How do I remove the "@fidonet.org" (Domain) from my Origin line?
3.5. How to solve PATH and SEEN-BY line problems?
3.6. Why are messages imported into the 'wrong' area?
3.7. How does PM tell TrapDoor which files to send to which node?
3.8. When joining another network, can/must I use 2 seperate Config
3.9. How to Setup PM with TrapDoor for polling different nodes?
3.10. What can I do with the 15 CUSTOMBROWSE commands, in the Message
Browse Window?
3.11. What can I put in the CUSTOM gadgets?
3.12. How do I setup a Gadget which give me a requester asking which
node should be called?
4. Problems
4.1. Have you heard of any problems with PM crashing on A2000's?
4.2. Why do I get ridiculous high Message-numbers and how can I solve
4.3. How can I solve problems with the Areafix from the UserList?
4.4. How to solve a "Fatal Error: Unable to allocated xx bytes" when
using PM with LhA?
4.5. How to solve messy Origins (filled with garbage)?
4.6. What should I do, when I find any bugs?
4.7. When I want to sent a File-attach, why doesn't TrapDoor sent it
(except the related message)?
4.8. When deleting a great number of messages, PM will sometimes
4.9. When I have configured a CustomScreen, i'll only get a grey,
empty and nameless screen. What is wrong?
2. General Questions
2.1. What is PM?
Point Manager (PM) is an integrated FidoNet compatible message Tosser,
Scanner, Packer and Editor for any Amiga-Points. It's designed to import
bundles of messages from a FidoNet-system (Node and/or BBS) to your
database of message-areas, where you (called a "Point") can read, save or
reply to them, and ofcourse write messages, which will sent back to the
same FidoNet-system.
So instead of reading/writing message while being on-line at a BBS (and
making some Telephone-companies happy ;), you're able to read and write
them off-line on your own system (very easy, comfortable and cheap).
Even though PM performs so many tasks, you will need a good Mailer (e.g.
TrapDoor, Welmat, or a WPL based mailer, where JamMail comes in mind), to
transfer those message-bundles to/from a FidoNet-system.
If you want to know more, please find and read "Fidonet.Man" first
(written by the authors of TrapDoor), and/or ask the System-Operator
(Sysop) of the FidoNet-system.
2.2. What is the latest version of Point Manager, and where is it
Point Manager V3.21 is the latest version for Registered and UnRegistered
Users, and should be available at any SAN/ADS sites (BBS'es), and on
Aminet (an Amiga Internet Network).
Archive-name is: PM_3_21.lha [359K]
On Aminet it's available at:
Other sources, to get the archive, are for sure:
2:335/602.0 (MAUI BBS - Home of PM) +39-862-311039 (HST,V32b,V42b)
2:285/403.0 (BBS The Experiment) +31-1150-15245 (V32b,V42b)
2:285/405.0 (The Amiga Shop) +31-1150-14498 (HST,V32b,V42b)
And the archive has also been uploaded to:
1:234/22.0 (Amy's Place) +1-419-691-0279 (HST,V32,V42b)
1:3612/42.0 (Forty Two BBS) +1-904-438-4803 (HST,V32b,V42b)
2.3. I have upgraded PM from V3.10 to V3.20, but this last version
doesn't work (after running, PM prints a header, opens the
statistics files, and stops/quits again). Why is this?
PM V3.20 was only released for the people who have registered. This
means that they have a keyfile and a serial-number, which is needed to
use this version.
There are several ways you can do (or not) at this point. For instance
use PM V3.21 (is released on 25 september 1993) instead, which is again
an evaluation version, or even better register PM (remember PM is
Shareware!! :).
2.4. Are there other Registration Sites, besides Italy (Pino Aliberti)
and Germany (Siggi Weisner). I'm living (for example) in Australie
and would like to register.
We are working on that, and maybe in the (near) future we will announce
other (approved) registration sites. Until that time, only the 2 known
sites could/should handle the registration of PM!
2.5. How do I use the Userlist of PM?
The format of the Userlist looks like:
Surname, Name Address Nickname
, AreaFix 2:335/602.0 af
Aliberti, Pino 2:335/602.2 PinoA
Halsema, Edwin 2:285/1.16 edfido
Halsema, Edwin 2:335/602.20 edmaui
Halsema, Edwin 14:104/1.16 ednla
Krieger, Eric 2:285/1.10 erkr
Pacchiarotti, Mario 2:335/320.0 mariop
Smink, Peter 2:285/1.0 ps
van.der.Heu, Paul 2:280/207.0 paulh
Note: AreaFix is one name. Use it with the ", ". This is also
true for other names which consists of one name (aliases)!
The address MUST be a 4D address (for example: 2:335/602.0)!
When writing a message to one of the Users listed in the UserList, put
the Nickname (or complete name) in the To: field of the Editor
Parameters Window, hit Enter and PM will search the appropriate address
(if available).
2.6. What is the 'Archive' function for in the message window?
It's for creating a large text file of messages you might want to keep
for reference, but don't want cluttering up your message base. The AREXX
echo is a good example of where this could be used, as there's just so
much useful information in there. There is also a utility, called
PMRestore, which can be used to restore messages from just such an
2.7. I want to use PM together with TrapDoor (V1.80+) as a Mailer. How
should I configure PM to do this?
Best way is that PM creates 4 Dimensional files in the Outbound
directory. To do this, use BUNDLE4D, PACK4D and FLO4D in the #ADDRESS
line. This will create files like:
Directory "MAIL:Outbound" on Sunday 21-Mar-93
1.231.590.0.REQ 17 ----rwed 11-Mar-93 21:30:00
2.335.602.0.FLO 39 ----rwed Today 21:00:12
2.335.602.0.SU0 26792 ----rwed Today 21:00:12
21154500.PKT 4926 ----rwed Today 21:00:12 31 ----rwed Today 19:55:24 2566 ----rwed Today 19:55:24
TrapDoor has no problems whatsoever to process those files.
To start TrapDoor from the Main Window in PM, click on the Poll Gadget.
This will execute the command, as stated in the #POLL argument. Could
#POLL "MAIL:Bin/TrapDoor Call Boss"
When you've more then one Boss to Call, configure a #CUSTOM gadget to do
this. For example:
#CUSTOM 6 DOS "Poll 2nd" "MAIL:Bin/TrapDoor Call 2:285/1 Boss 2:285/1
2.8. I'd like to have my Cron export messages just before it polls my
Boss. How do I do this ?
The following ARexx script finds out if PM is running, then acts
/* Start of PM_Export.rexx */
/* Find out if PointManager is running */
If ~show("Ports","PointManager") then
Address command 'Run PM -E'
Address 'PointManager'
/* End of script */
2.9. Is it possible to transfer money to register PM, for multiple users
(UserGroup) with one EuroCheque?
Yes, this is possible. Ask Pino Aliberti (the author) first for more and
exact details.
2.10. When I have ideas, suggestions or remarks, what should i do?
A program needs (positive and negative) feedback from its users, to
become better and better. Please don't hesitate, but just send them to
the author (Pino Aliberti).
But beware that everone does have differents tastes, thus not every idea
or suggestion could be implemented (sooner or later) :-)
2.11. When is have still questions about or problems with Point Manager,
what can I do?
Contact either the author, Pino Aliberti, or the Testers of Point Manager
(check which one is the nearest to or best for you):
Pino Aliberti (author & Master of PM)
Eric Krieger (Tester, author of PM.guide and this PM.FAQ!)
Edwin Halsema (Tester)
2:285/1.16@fidonet, 2:285/102.2@fidonet
Marco Fachini (Tester and author of the Italian Docs)
Siggi Weisner (German Support and Registration Site, Tester, author
of the German Docs and Moderator of PM.GER)
2:2448/1460.29@fidonet <changed from 10 october 94>
Pal Dahlstrom (Tester)
Massimo Baglione (Tester)
Gaetano Ble' (Tester)
Frank Geider (Tester)
2:320/104.10@fidonet (France)
2:293/2213.100@fidonet (Belgium)
geider@amigdr.frmug.fr.net (Internet)
geider@amigdr.gna.org (Internet)
2.12. What will be the future of Point Manager?
Development of Point Manager has stopped after version 3.21. Why, I hear
you ask.... well a (completely) new and powerful package is born, named
Mail Manager.
Mail Manager is a new fantastic full integrated Editor/Tosser/Scanner/
Tick-Processor for a Full Node or a Point in an Fidonet Technology
# # ### # # # # ### # # ### ### #### ###
## ## # # # # ## ## # # ## # # # # # # #
# # # ##### # # # # # ##### # ## ##### # ### ### ###
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # #### # # # # # # # # ### #### # #
# #
## ##
# # # # # #
# # # #
# # # #
by Pino Aliberti
Full Integrated Tosser/Scanner/Editor/Tick Processor
Starting from 00:00:01 CET of 1 July 95 you can find it on the following
Italy MAUI for Amiga 2:335/602.0@fidonet
Glass Globe 2:332/118.0@fidonet
Double Impact 2:335/202.0@fidonet
]\[IB!_LINK 2:335/703.0@fidonet
Amiga & Technology 2:334/21.0@fidonet
The Only Original MAX 2:335/206.0@fidonet
ToTaLLy_WiReD 2:333/714.0@fidonet
UNIVISION 2:333/707.0@fidonet
Eclipse 2:332/113.0@fidonet
Germany Firebrigade 2:2448/7022.0@fidonet
Professional Amiga 2:2490/1015.0@fidonet
Lonely Platform 2:2437/901.0@fidonet
Amiga's Choice 2:2455/160.0@fidonet
NEC-BBS 2:2490/3225.0@fidonet
United Kingdom Creations 2:254/205.0@fidonet
Spain Amiga-Penedes 2:343/119.0@fidonet
Denmark Amiga Aarhus 2:238/24.0@fidonet
Nemesis Amy 2:238/43.0@fidonet
Poland DiXiE 2:484/22.0@fidonet
Russia NEW ORDER 2:5030/221.0@fidonet
Australia Crazy Diamond 3:633/359.0@fidonet
The Netherlands The Experiment 2:285/1.0@fidonet
The Experiment 2:285/403.0@fidonet
The Amiga Shop 2:285/405.0@fidonet
MEGA-NET 2:280/318.0@fidonet
wARP MAiL hQ 2:281/417.0@fidonet
You will also be able to find it on every Aminet site.
These are the distribution archives of Mail Manager v1.1:
MM_1_1.LHA Main Archive
MM_1_1-030.LHA 68030 version (binary only)
Mail Manager...
... is able to manage both a Point or a Node in Fidonet Technology.
... is able to manage Tick Files.
... is able to manage Echo File Attached.
... is able to automatically create new Echo Areas.
... is able to manage 4 different types of message bases.
... is able to manage 3 different types of Mail Packets.
... is able to use full 5 dimensional addressing.
... has a powerful ARexx interface.
... has a powerful OnLine Help.
... has a powerful Threads management.
... has a powerful NetMail Routing management.
... has a powerful support for UUCP gates.
... has incredibly powerful Search/Sort/Show functions.
... has powerful Quoting routines.
... supports multiple character sets.
... supports the Nodelist and the Userlist.
... uses fast Memory Pools functions.
... uses fast asynchronous I/O functions.
... is a MUI Application !!!!
... is fully localized ( Kickstart 2.1 or higher).
... is Faaaaaaaast. Up to 3 times faster than Spot or EMS.
... is easy to configure.
... has many many other features !
3. Configuration Questions
3.1. I want to setup and use PM for 2 or more Networks and/or Addresses.
Can I do that, and if so, how should I configure PM?
How can I setup 2 or more NetMail Areas with 1 Configuration file?
First you should add the needed #ADDRESS lines/parameters for each
Network and/or Address, for example:
#ADDRESS 2:335/602.2@fidonet (BUNDLE4D,PACK4D,FLO4D,DOMAIN,SEEN2D,PATH2D) 2:335/602.0@fidonet 0 "LhA a"
#ADDRESS 39:102/1.2@amiganet (BUNDLE4D,PACK4D,FLO4D,DOMAIN,SEEN4D,PATH4D) 39:102/1.0@amiganet 0 "LhA a"
For each Address, you should define a NetMail (Matrix) Area with
different Area names (Tag-Names), like:
#AREA Fido_Matrix MAIL:F_Mat/ 2:335/602.2@fidonet MATRIX WRITE D 10 INT 500
#AREA Amy_Matrix MAIL:A_Mat/ 39:102/1.2@amiganet MATRIX WRITE D 10 INT 500
For Echo-Mail Areas, the chance that you will have the same Tag-Names for
different Networks, is very small.
3.2. When starting PM, I get "Incorrect #ADDRESS parameters" Error(s).
How do I get rid of it (them)?
You have probably forgot to use a DOMAIN in the #ADDRESS line.
#ADDRESS 39:102/1.21 (..) 39:102/1.0 0 "LhA a"
^ ^
This should something like 39:102/1.21@amiganet (note the @amiganet),
#ADDRESS 39:102/1.21@amiganet (..) 39:102/1.0@amiganet 0 "LhA a"
When you don't want to use the DOMAIN in your message, just use switch
NODOMAIN in the #ADDRESS parameters.
3.3. I've two different boss nodes. How do I set-up two different default
origin lines, one for each node, or is this not possible?
It's not possible to define a default origin per Boss, so it'll have to
be done with #AREAORIGIN's. The easiest way to do it is set up your
origins for the areas from your second Boss in CPM as something short
like BOB. Then, save your config file.
Next, put PManager.CFG into your text editor, do a 'Search & Replace' on
"BOB", and substitute your desired Origin line.
3.4. How do I remove the "@fidonet.org" from my Origin line ?
Go into CPM and select the 'System' screen. Click on 'Edit', then click
on the address you wish to amend. On the right of this screen, you will
see a bank of Yes/No switches. Set the topmost one (Domain) to No (or
put NODOMAIN in the #ADDRESS line).
3.5. My BOSS (or someone else) is complaining about the wrong SEEN-BY and
PATH lines. I'll get something like PATH: 0/602, instead of PATH:
Ask your BOSS what he expects for the SEEN-BY: and PATH lines, for each
Address. In this case you have most likely PATH4D and SEEN4D in your
#ADDRESS line(s).
For FidoNet, you must use most likely SEEN2D and PATH2D in the #ADDRESS
line. Set the switches accordingly.
For AmigaNet (or other networks) you could use PATH4D and SEEN4D though,
but your BOSS must support this (and you should ask him!).
3.6. When I import my mail, messages received for one area are sometimes
placed in another area. What's happening ?
This most often occurs when you have more than one address, and you call
your Netmail areas by the same name for both addresses. All Areas MUST
have different names. From V3.20 onwards, all of the statistics (Stats)
are stored in the same file, so no two areas may have the same name.
Solution - Give your Netmail areas meaningful names like "FIDO-NETMAIL" &
3.7. How does Point Manager tell TrapDoor which node to send which packet
The .FLO file in your Outbound dir contains a list of all the packets to
be sent. TrapDoor reads the name of this file, which gives it the node
number the file is destined for. If you set the switches in the
'Address' config to their 2D positions, you will get a file called, for
example, 00fa000a.mo1. Changing the switches to their 4D positions means
you will get files in the format... It is then very easy
to have a look in the dir to see where you haven't polled yet.
3.8. I'm wanting to join another network. I'd like to know if it's
alright to have two seperate PManager.CFG (PManager.CFG &
PManager2.CFG) in the MAIL: directory? Each .CFG file would share
the `Inbound' and `Outbound' sub-directories.
Yes, it is possible, but there's an easier way. Fire up CPM, and enter
the 'System' screen. On the left is a window, containing your present
Boss' address, and underneath is an 'Add' button. Click on this, and put
in your new Boss' details. Go back out to the main menu, enter the
'Areas' screen and define all the new areas you'll be picking up from
your new Boss, making sure that you click on HIS address in the window on
the right hand side.
So it is possible to use just one Configuration file, for one or more
3.9. How do I set things up to be able to point off of two different
nodes? Should I just set up a button to run TrapDoor and have it
call the other node instead of just giving it the "Call Boss"
command? Will TrapDoor then just put the packets from that node
into my Inbound directory? What about when I send messages to areas
on the other node?
If you are a point in two networks, and your Boss is the same for both of
them, he will have the second network address set up as an AKA on his
system (this is also true for your side), so mail for both networks will
be sent automatically, both ways.
If you are pointing from two different Bosses, then you need to set up a
Custom gadget to poll your second Boss (i.e. the one that TrapDoor
DOESN'T call when you tell it to 'Call Boss').
If you are using a Nodelist, then merely enter something similar to this
in the 'Custom' screen in CPM...
COMMAND "TrapDoor Call 2:252/309"
or put the following (for example) in you PManager.CFG file:
#CUSTOM DOS 10 "Poll RR" "TrapDoor Call 2:252/309"
If you don't have the space for a Nodelist, try...
COMMAND "Execute S:PollABC"
or put the following (for example) in you PManager.CFG file:
#CUSTOM DOS 11 "Poll ABC" "Execute S:PollABC"
Then put a one line script in S: called PollABC, along the lines of:
TrapDoor Call 0039862311039 Node 2:335/602.2 Boss 2:335/602.0 Password "secret"
Next time you hit that button, PM will poll your other boss for you.
TrapDoor will put incoming mail packets into wherever you specified as
your Inbound dir, so no worries there. Please consult the manual of
TrapDoor for further info.
3.10. The space for 15 commands in the CUSTOMBROWSE menu is very
impressive, but what can I use them for ?
Anything you want really. Here's a few examples...
"C:Ed %p%n.msg" Will pass the current message to your editor.
"TrapDoor Call %k" Will have TrapDoor call the Node specified in the
FROM address of the current message. This is very
handy for sending CRASH mail, but only if you use
a Nodelist.
"Copy %p%n.msg RAM:Bob\nCD RAM:\nUUDecode RAM:Bob\nDelete RAM:Bob"
This will decode a UUencoded file embedded within
the current message to RAM:
"GetNode %k >T:NT\nNewShell \qCON:50/50/500/100/GetNode V1.0/SCREEN
PMScreen\q S:ShowNode.pm"
This command will pop up a window on PM's public
screen giving details of the FROM address in the
current message. It calls a scriptfile in S:
called ShowNode.pm which reads...
Type T:NT
Delete >NIL: T:NT
Ask "Press RETURN..."
Once you have read the information, simply press
return to close the window.
etc. etc. etc.
3.11. What can I put in the CUSTOM gadgets ?
Again, you can use any command you like, together with the control
characters detailed in the manual. Remember however that codes referring
to specific messages will NOT work from the Areas screen. Here's a few
"PPMore MAIL:Logs/TrapDoor.Log PS=PMScreen"
Will open TrapDoor's logfile on PM's public screen
using Nico Francois' PPMore utility.
"SkyTick.HATCH" Opens Luca Spada's Tick program, for hatching
files into a file echo.
3.12. I'd like to set up a gadget to give me a requester asking which node
I want TrapDoor to call so I can F'req files easier.
There are two ways of doing this. The first is using the new %? control
character, like this:
COMMAND "TrapDoor Call %?"
If you have access to Rafael D'Halleweyn's rexxreqtools.library, supplied
with Nico Francois's reqtools.library 2.1d (or higher) release, you could
use the following command:
COMMAND "rx Rexx:PollWho.pm"
This would call the following ARexx script:
/* Start of PollWho.rexx v1.12 */
options results
if ~show(l, "rexxreqtools.library") then
if ~addlib("rexxreqtools.library", 0, -30) then
say "Please install the rexxreqtools.library in your libs: directory"
lastnode = getclip('histnode')
node = rtgetstring(lastnode,,"Enter a node to dial",,"rt_pubscrname='PMScreen' rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr",)
if node == "" then exit
call setclip('histnode',node)
address command 'copy MAIL:Outbound/ Work:Files/Outbound/ ALL QUIET'
address command 'run C:TrapDoor Call' node 'PubScreenName PMScreen Password ""'
/* End of script */
This opens a requester on PM's public screen (if available) into which
the Node number may be inserted. If 'Cancel' is pressed, or no number is
given, the script terminates without calling TrapDoor.
4. Problems
4.1. Have you heard of any problems with PM crashing on A2000's?
Nope. Please send full details to your nearest support site (OS
versions, memory, processes/tasks on the background, etc, and what
actions are required to bring about the crash, and anything else that may
be relevant) and we'll see if we can help.
4.2. I've 1 or more Areas with ridiculous high message-numbers, I can't
get rid off. I've tried DEEPSCAN and RENUMBER but this won't help.
What to do now?
Probably you have #INDEX *and* #TURBOSCAN in your PManager.CFG, which can
result in this kind of problems. Be sure to switch off one (or both) of
them. #INDEX and #NOTURBOSCAN is the best setting. Perfom a DEEPSCAN
again, and QUIT PM. Next time you start PM, it should be solved.
4.3. I have Areafix set up in my Userlist as:
, Areafix 2:335/602.0 af
Whenever I send a message to Areafix, nothing happens. Why?
It could be a number of reasons. Some Areafixes are set up strangely,
and can't cope with the "Areafix " that it generates (i.e. the SPACE
after the name). Ask your Sysop if he can configure his AreaFix to allow
for this (should be fixed in V3.20+ though).
4.4. I am using Point Manager with LhA on a A500 with 1meg - and very
often I will get a `Fatal error: Unable to allocate 36 whatever
bytes of memory` - and PM will give up on it, although I only get
this problem if I am exporting messsages. What can I do ?
At a guess, you have 'Holdmem' set in your config (on the 'Misc' screen
in CPM). This allocates memory to an area when you open it and uses it
for indexing the messages contained therein. When you leave the area,
the information remains, so the memory is not freed (until PM closes and
the new index files are written to disk).
You might like to try running without Holdmem for a couple of days, and
see how things go. You'll probably notice a (slight?) slowdown, as the
index file is written to disk each time when you leave an area, but it'll
give you more available memory at the end of your session when you want
to export all the messages you've just written.
4.5. Sometimes i'll get some garbage in the Origin lines when writing
messages. How to clean this mess up?
It could be a known bug of V3.10(unreg). Try to use the #AREAORIGIN for
those areas with problems, or upgrade to V3.21 which is available from
the 25 September 1993 (also for unregistered users).
4.6. I think I have found a bug in PM, what should I do?
Don't sit back, and wait for a next version (in the hope that someone
else has reported this problem already) but please report this immediatly
to the author (or if you can't reach him, to one of the Testers) by
netmail/e-mail, as completly as possible.
Please give enough information to reproduce the problem, and also report
your system-configuration (Computer, Memory, Processor, KickStart,
WorkBench, etc., and also all tasks and processes (like commodities)
running on the Background).
A program, called "ShowConfig" (present in the Tools directory of WB2.x
machines), can give you a (big) part of the needed information.
4.7. I've been having problems with File Attach. When I do a file attach,
it comes up with the file requester. I then choose the file I want
to send via this requester, but when I poll with Trapdoor, the file
doesn't get sent, only the message.
Hmm, this is a not uncommon problem, with a few possible causes;
a) The path to the file to be 'attached' contained a space. TrapDoor
does not like spaces, so the file will not be sent. Solution: Use a
path that does not contain spaces :)
b) Some file requesters won't auto-expand paths from the current
directory. For example, if you were currently in Work:Bob/Jim/ the
directory string requester shows the dir as Jim/ so TrapDoor would not
know the full path to the file. Solution: When the requester
appears, list the Volumes (RMB with ReqTools requesters) and work from
there. It may take a click or two extra, but you'll know you've got
the full path.
c) Your Boss has been pratting about with his software. This is a not
uncommon occurence. Solution: Have a chat with Boss-man }8^)
d).The file that was in existence when you specified it for 'attaching'
is no longer there when you poll. This could occur, for example, if
you specified a file in RAM:, went away, had your tea, came back and
rebooted "because the memory was a bit fragged". When TrapDoor looks
for the file in RAM: it obviously can't find it. Solution: ALWAYS
specify a file on a non-volatile device, so that if something
unforseen does happen, your file will still be attached.
4.8. When I want to select a big number of message, PM will sometimes
crash afterwards, or its window stays away. And PM works pretty
'slow' on updating windows (kind of sticky).
Check if you are running (an older version of) KCommodity. It is known,
that the "shrinkwindows" option, for instance, will cause such problems.
Try to run PM without KCommodity (or any other Commodities, like
MagicMenu) to check what is causing the problems. It is easy to remove
them (temporarely) from your WBStartup directory (or User-Startup file),
and mostly it will solve your problems.
But in any case, please report your findings in the FidoNet echo-area
called PM, AMY_POINT or by netmail/e-mail addressed to the author (for
addresses see somewhere else in this document (chapter 2.11.) or in the
manual of PM). This way we can 'warn' other people when necessary.
4.9. When I configure CustomScreen, PM will only open 1 (or 2) empty,
grey and nameless screens, and quits almost immediately. When using
NoCustomScreen, PM will function normal. What is wrong?
Check if you have an Utility, named NuLook (from Fabio Rossetti), running
on the background. It looks if NuLook can't live with the PublicScreen
of PM (when running under AmigaDOS 2.0+) and other programs. Just remove
it from your Startup-script.
End of Point Manager's Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks to: Pino Aliberti, Stu Churchill, all other Testers and ofcourse
the Registered Users!
Comments, suggestions and corrections would be welcome! This material is
Copyright 1993, 1994 by Eric Krieger. It may not be distributed as a
part of anything sold for profit. Non-commercial distribution is okay as
long as there are no changes made.